An Oswaldtwistle school has retained its ‘good’ Ofsted rating and has been described as a “happy school where pupils are keen to learn”.

Oswaldtwistle Hippings Methodist Primary School, on Heron Way, was inspected in February but only received its official Ofsted rating at the end of April.

According to the report pupils, including those with special educational needs or disabilities enjoy coming to school.

The report said: “Pupils understand and appreciate teachers’ high expectations of their behaviour.

“Pupils behave well during lessons and around the school site.”

"Pupils are said to feel safe at school and any bullying incidents are dealt with “swiftly and effectively”.

The school and staff were praised for their curriculum.

The reports says: “Leaders have designed a curriculum that reflects their high aspirations for all pupils.

“This starts in the early years. In many subjects, leaders have organised the curriculum so that pupils’ learning builds on what they know already in well-ordered steps as they move through the school. In some subjects, leaders’ curriculum improvements are more recent.

“Pupils are starting to remember essential knowledge better than they did in the past. However, over time, some older pupils have developed gaps in their learning due to the weaknesses in these subject curriculums.”

Teachers are said to have a strong subject knowledge and explain new concepts clearly to pupils.

The report says: “In the main, teachers design learning that helps pupils to deepen their understanding.

“Teachers provide opportunities for pupils to revisit earlier learning. This helps to make sure that pupils increasingly remember more knowledge.”

The report has also identified where the school can improve further in order to be classed as ‘outstanding’ in the next inspection.

The inspector said pupils’ learning is not secure in some subjects.

The report said: “In a few subjects, developments to the curriculum are in the earlier stages.

“Pupils’ learning is not as secure in these subjects as in other areas of the curriculum.

“Leaders should ensure that pupils quickly catch up on any gaps in their learning that may have developed in the past, so that pupils develop a rich body of subject knowledge in these subjects.”

At the school’s last full inspection in 2012 it was rated as ‘good’ by inspectors. In 2010 it was ranked as ‘satisfactory’.